How To Choose A Pen According To Your Personality
An individual’s identity is reflected in the small details. It’s not just a matter of how they dress, or even less so of their social status. You can determine what kind of person he is just by referring to the type of pen he carries with him.
So, if you too want to stand out from the crowd with your accessory, find out which model might suit you.
What kind of writer are you?
The profile of each pen user dictates the main characteristics that he or she should have. It reflects the needs of each individual. For example, some people use the pen all the time to correct homework, compose songs, conduct studies, and so on. They don’t choose on which medium to write, cardboard, packaging or other, and the pen never leaves their hands.
For others, they are fine as long as the prop writes well and looks good. There are also those who dream of a branded product but don’t have the budget for it.
They’re lucky because even the biggest companies in this field are selling products that are affordable for everyone. That way, you won’t be afraid of being fooled. Know which category you belong to in order to more easily identify the product made for you.

Disposable pens
The majority of models on the market that are available at a good price/quality ratio are often made of plastic. Companies put their logo on them for marketing reasons. Children in the classroom use these accessories every day. Mothers use them for their shopping lists. Grandfathers use them for their personal notes.
In short, these specimens are intended for simple and basic use. These facts make it clear that disposable models are suitable for all circumstances and for everyday use.
Everyone appreciates them for their practicality and affordability. Often they borrow formats and designs that differentiate them in a few details.
But sometimes they are chosen according to the brand. The MontBlanc pen, for example, is gaining popularity for its quality over the competition.
What the shades reflect
In another aspiration, it is in the choice of ink colours that the consumer’s personality is defined. By opting for blue, the individual is thinking of practicality and speed. By turning to red or green, one is faced with an extrovert who likes to create an atmosphere in his life and who loves to take centre stage.
It also hides a convincing recklessness about the future. This character takes things as they come and adapts to the situation while remaining dynamic and full of joie de vivre.
Those who resign themselves to the black felt show a more composed personality. They take advantage of the present moment by taking care to conduct business calmly and thoughtfully.
They prove to be a bit of a perfectionist and can’t stand disorder. They can be communicative and exuberant people. But, in most cases, these traits point to an introvert.
Moreover, for adults, marking means sorting out between white, black, golden gold or silver, red or flashy print. Black adds a touch of elegance and mystery to the identity of the person concerned. In a pejorative sense, it hides a part of emptiness and darkness.
White is optional. It shows purity and light. As for gold, it refers to an idea of power, a means of displaying one’s power and stature. It gives a tedious and luxurious aspect of reality. In addition, there is also silver.
This nuance is in a place between white and black. It remains sober and goes well with many other colours.
Style and design
By staying with the details, another truth becomes obvious. Which style suits this or that personality? We then start with the choice between nib and ball. The timeless and old-fashioned charm of the former enchants curators and lovers of beautiful things.
Of course, it is rather difficult to use it on a daily basis because of its lack of practicality. However, it does produce elegant and neat lines at the same time.
The ballpoint pen, on the other hand, is used for a utilitarian and usual purpose. As the device is easy to use, most people use this model so as not to waste time in drying the ink, in taking care of the calligraphy.
Furthermore, a product with a highly sophisticated design with quality details and finishes is not suitable for everyday use. These types of accessories are only released for special occasions in business, in public or in the evening.
Often it can be a family heirloom that a grandfather bequeaths to his grandson.

Which pen for what purpose?
For everyday use, we think of the degree of practicality that the device provides. Thus, the comfort and fluidity of the tool are important. These instruments are suitable for note-taking whether in a professional scene or during student class hours.
The accessory must slide smoothly over the paper. In fact, countless examples of all categories and from various collections are commercially available.
In addition, for the individual who travels a lot, a specimen that drools or emits ink stains under any circumstances must be prohibited. He needs a model with a hood to protect himself as well as possible.
Those with retractable leads are also an option. For business meetings, fascinate your contact person with the features and high quality of your accessory.
Make him/her feel that details matter to you and that you are concerned and meticulous, thanks to the nature of your toy and the care you give it.
For the sake of your business, impose your style and personality with the quality of your pen alone.